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Pretrial Services Overview

Pursuant to Title 18, United States Code, Section 3154, the U.S. Pretrial Services Agency in the Northern District of California has two primary functions. 

First, the Agency conducts bail investigations on federal criminal defendants to assist judicial officers with bail decisions at the detention hearings.  While upholding to the principle of the presumption of innocence, the bail investigations and reports provide the judicial officer with biographical information about defendants who appear before them, which allows for better informed decisions.  

Second, the Agency monitors and assists defendants placed under pretrial supervision.  We are work closely with defendants to help them achieve successful outcomes during their pretrial period, regardless of the final dispositions of their cases.  We monitor compliance with Court imposed conditions along with identified risks.  But, just as importantly, our officers assess and assist federal defendants with their needs.  Pretrial supervision ends when defendants are: 1) acquitted at trial (found not guilty); 2) the charges are dismissed against; 3) given a probationary/non-custodial sentence; or 4) surrender to the Bureau of Prisons (BOP).   The U.S. Pretrial Services Agency continues supervising defendants until they are either sentenced to a probationary term or surrender to the Bureau of Prisons (BOP). 

The Agency has proudly served the Court and the community in the Northern District of California since openning in 198??.  The Agency was first led by the late Primitivo Rodriguez, Jr., our District's first Chief U.S. Pretrial Services Officer. 


Chief U.S. Pretrial Services Officer Claudette M. Silvera

Acting Chief U.S. Pretrial Services Officer Richard Weiking

Chief U.S. Pretrial Services Officer Roy Saenz

Chief U.S. Pretrial Services Officer Silvio A. Lugo